webpack cli help

webpack 2.6.1 Usage: https://webpack.js.org/api/cli/ Usage without config file: webpack [] Usage with config file: webpack

Config options:
    --config Path to the config file 指向 config file 的路徑
            [string] [default: webpack.config.js or webpackfile.js]
        Environment passed to the config, when it is a function
        當它是一個 function,環境傳遞給 config

Basic options:
        The root directory for resolving entry point and stats
        根目錄 解析入口點和統計信息 (當前目錄)
            [string] [default: The current directory]
        The entry point [string]
    --watch, -w
        Watch the filesystem for changes [boolean]
        Switch loaders to debug mode [boolean]
        切換 loaders 為除錯模式
        Enable devtool for better debugging experience (Example:
        --devtool eval-cheap-module-source-map)
        shortcut for --debug --devtool eval-cheap-module-source-map
        --除錯 --devtool eval-cheap-module-source-map 的簡寫
        shortcut for --optimize-minimize --define
        process.env.NODE_ENV="production" [boolean]
        --優化-最小化 --定義
    --progress 進度
        Print compilation progress in percentage [boolean]
        以 % 表示編譯進度

Module options 模組選項:
        Bind an extension 擴充 to a loader [string]
    --module-bind-post [string]
    --module-bind-pre [string]

Output options 輸出選項:
    --output-path The output path for compilation assets
    [string] [default: The current directory]
    --output-filename The output filename of the bundle
    [string] [default: [name].js]
    --output-chunk-filename The output filename for additional chunks
    [string] [default: filename with [id] instead of [name] or [id] prefixed]
    --output-source-map-filename The output filename for the SourceMap [string]
    --output-public-path The public path for the assets [string]
    --output-jsonp-function The name of the jsonp function used for chunk
    loading [string]
    --output-pathinfo Include a comment with the request for every
    dependency (require, import, etc.) [boolean]
    --output-library Expose the exports of the entry point as library
    --output-library-target The type for exposing the exports of the entry
    point as library [string]

Advanced options:
    --records-input-path Path to the records file (reading) [string]
    --records-output-path Path to the records file (writing) [string]
    --records-path Path to the records file [string]
    --define Define any free var in the bundle [string]
    --target The targeted execution environment [string]
    --cache Enable in memory caching
    [boolean] [default: It's enabled by default when watching]
    --watch-stdin, --stdin Exit the process when stdin is closed [boolean]
    --watch-aggregate-timeout Timeout for gathering changes while watching
    --watch-poll The polling interval for watching (also enable
    polling) [boolean]
    --hot Enables Hot Module Replacement [boolean]
    --prefetch Prefetch this request (Example: --prefetch
    ./file.js) [string]
    --provide Provide these modules as free vars in all modules
    (Example: --provide jQuery=jquery) [string]
    --labeled-modules Enables labeled modules [boolean]
    --plugin Load this plugin [string]
    --bail Abort the compilation on first error [boolean]
    --profile Profile the compilation and include information in
    stats [boolean]

Resolving options:
    --resolve-alias Setup a module alias for resolving (Example:
    jquery-plugin=jquery.plugin) [string]
    --resolve-extensions Setup extensions that should be used to resolve
    modules (Example: --resolve-extensions .es6 .js)
    --resolve-loader-alias Setup a loader alias for resolving [string]

Optimizing options:
    --optimize-max-chunks Try to keep the chunk count below a limit
    --optimize-min-chunk-size Try to keep the chunk size above a limit
    --optimize-minimize Minimize javascript and switches loaders to
    minimizing [boolean]

Stats options:
    --color, --colors Enables/Disables colors on the console
    [boolean] [default: (supports-color)]
    --sort-modules-by Sorts the modules list by property in module
    --sort-chunks-by Sorts the chunks list by property in chunk[string]
    --sort-assets-by Sorts the assets list by property in asset[string]
    --hide-modules Hides info about modules [boolean]
    --display-exclude Exclude modules in the output [string]
    --display-modules Display even excluded modules in the output
    --display-max-modules Sets the maximum number of visible modules in
    output [number]
    --display-chunks Display chunks in the output [boolean]
    --display-entrypoints Display entry points in the output [boolean]
    --display-origins Display origins of chunks in the output [boolean]
    --display-cached Display also cached modules in the output[boolean]
    --display-cached-assets Display also cached assets in the output [boolean]
    --display-reasons Display reasons about module inclusion in the
    output [boolean]
    --display-depth Display distance from entry point for each module
    --display-used-exports Display information about used exports in modules
    (Tree Shaking) [boolean]
    --display-provided-exports Display information about exports provided from
    modules [boolean]
    --display-error-details Display details about errors [boolean]
    --verbose Show more details [boolean]

--help, -h Show help [boolean]
--version, -v Show version number [boolean]
--json, -j Prints the result as JSON. [boolean]

results for ""

    No results matching ""